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Kimchi Fried Rice

Kimchi adds a kick of flavor and spiciness to this recipe for fried rice. Ingredients: 3 cup, cooked white rice. I use a rice cooker to prepare the rice. 1-2 eggs, beaten 1/2 cup ham, diced 1/2 cup of green …

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Taiwanese-Style Crispy Fried Chops

Long before Kentucky Fried Chicken took Southern food national in America, the Taiwanese served up crispy fried pork chops as the ultimate comfort food. This


Langostino Dragon Fruit Salad

This quick-prep dish is an easy way to introduce both exotic seafood and Taiwanese fruit to the dinner table. It features the meat of the squat lobster or


Hakka-Style Bacon

The Hakka are an ethnic group from the southeastern Chinese provinces. Many people in Taiwan (including my brother-in-law) are members of this group and speak

seafood salad

Seafood-Udon Salad

This recipe brings together fresh seafood, a culinary fixture of Taiwan, and thick, juicy Japanese udon noodles. Ingredients:

  • 20 pieces medium-large shrimp, peeled, deveined
  • 2 pieces calamari steak, cut into strips
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Cranberry-Chicken Salad Delight

Cranberries go hand in hand with turkey at Thanksgiving, but my children really seem to love cranberries and enjoy dried cranberries as a snack throughout the year. I


Banana Turnover

An empanada is a stuffed pastry turnover of Spanish origin, which takes on many different forms in bake shops around the world, from Portugal to the Philippines. Taiwanese

Creamed Corn Casserole

Photo by Darwin Bell

This is a quick twist on the classic American creamed corn recipe. It makes a great side dish

Eggless Mango Cheesecake

Photo by Kirti Poddar This recipe is a great summer dessert that can be prepared quickly and inexpensively. Bonus: since it requires no eggs,

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